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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The New Roman Missal

I hope you are all well. These days I find myself missing you and I thinking about you often. I cannot believe that my sabbatical is almost half over. It has been very enriching and challenging.
This week, Msgr. Jim Moroney, a consultant to the Pope and the Congregation for Divine Worship in Rome, is presenting to us the changes in the New Roman Missal that take effect in December, 2011. This has been very helpful for me. I can now understand the reason for the changes and I have a better idea of how to implement them in our parishes. I also see how this can be beneficial for us. Most of the changes are in the words we use. There are no dramatic changes. I will have much to share when I return to MN.
I am so glad to hear positive reports about Fr. Ernster. I am sure that you are good for him also.
I loaded some pictures from Venice. I spent last weekend there. It is such a lovely city and more interesting than I expected. What a gift it is to me to have my weekends free.
Blessings to all of you,
Fr Pete

Thursday, September 23, 2010


I have been in class at the program for priests at the North American College. This weeks topic was the "kingdom of God". One of the marks of the kingdom is joy. Joy is mentioned 352 times in the Bible. It cannot be forced but is a result of allowing Jesus in our lives. This made me wonder about how much joy I show and about how much joy is expressed in our parishes.
A painting that expresses joy to me is the Michelangelo's creation of man in the Sistine Chapel at the Vatican. I am reminded of the gift of life as well as the gift of God's life given to us. This challenges me to continue to ponder the joy given in acccepting these gifts.
Have a wonderful day,
Fr. Pete

Monday, September 20, 2010

Temples of God

Hello to all,
I hope you are healthy and well. I still think of you every day. I said mass at St. Peter's last Sunday for all of you.
I have been kept busy seeing Rome and studying. Last Saturday I went to Monte Cassino, the monastery of St. Benedict. It was destroyed in WW II by allied bombing and rebuilt after the war.
Today I visited St. John Lateran Basilica. This is the popes church since he is the bishop of Rome. It is a huge church built on the foundations of the original church built by Constantine in the fourth century. In such a church I could be aware of God's presence and the mystery of God who is far beyond us and yet with us.
I was more aware of how God is present in each human being. We uphold life as so precious because we are the temple of God - the Church of God. Even when these grand church buildings are gone, we are still the temple of God. I can see this in myself and others. We celebrate life and faith today.
Fr Pete

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


I hope you are all well. I still think of you and pray for you, especially as I visit the churches of Rome. The churches tell of the history of the Church, especially of the saints and martyrs. They are all such magnificent buildings. I am moved by these churches, yet the site that move me the most was a statue of St. Anthony in the Church of Santa Maria in Trastrevere. Around the statue were the written petitions of people. Notice in the picture the piles of notes all around. It spoke to me about how we all have something to pray about - so many concerns and needs in the world. God hears all our concerns, of which only God can do. We need a way to communicate with God - even in notes of petition. So I pray for all our concerns today - and ask you to do the same.
Fr Pete

Friday, September 10, 2010


I am in Rome for the next three months at the Institute for Continuing Theological Education. This is a program developed for priests to be renewed and to update their theology. There are a total of 34 priests attending from the US, Canada, Australia and the Solomon Islands. My room has a balcony which overlooks a quiet street and St. Peter's Church at the Vatican. I have attached a picture of the view. In between sessions and classes, I can sit here and ponder life.
My thoughts today have to do with vocation. I sometimes think that this vocation to the priesthood is my vocation. Really it is God's vocation. I am just called to follow him and to do his will. God is the one in charge, not me. Over the years as a priest I have become more aware of God's work and his call. I often feel like I am called to follow him more deeply.
Peace and health to all of you,
Fr. Pete

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Churches in Europe

I hope all is well at home. I think of you and I keep you in my prayers.
I have taken a few days traveling to places like Carthage, Palermo and Naples (Mount Vesuvius). I am showing a picture of a the Montserrat Monastery in the mountains by Barcelona. I also have attached a video of the Cathedral at Monreale in Sicily that was built in the 12th century by the Normans.
I am amazed at all the marvelous churches in Europe. Almost every city seems to have magnificent churches, each with it's own history. It tells of the importance of faith in peoples lives through the centuries. I am reminded of the need for faith in the present age. We also need to know God and express our our own faith.
Fr Pete