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Monday, October 25, 2010

Batumi, Georgia

I hope all is well at home. I still think of you and pray for you. I often light a candle in churches for you, especially for those who are ill or struggling. I have been on sabbatical for three months now. I have one and a half months left. It is going very fast, yet I have seen much and learned lots. This week our classes in Rome were on reading the Bible for preaching. This I know will improve my preaching - it was very helpful as scripture is taking on a new life in me.
I had done some traveling. I am attaching a picture I took in Mykonos and a picture from Soshi, Russia of Stalin's Villa. Soshi is the sight of the 2014 Olympics. Also, here is a youtube video that I loaded of a folk dance in Batumi, Georgia. I enjoyed their dance - it is of another culture. I took this with my camera:
Blessings to each of you,
Fr. Pete

Sumela Monastery, Trabzon, Turkey

I have done some traveling so it has been some days since I published a post in this blog. One place was the Sumela Monastery at Trabzon, Turkey. This, once a Greek Orthodox Monastery now long abandoned, was built on the side of a cliff. The artwork in and around the chapel was amazing. It depicts redemption from stories in the Bible. The gift of art preserved in this monastery is a gift to teach all people about Jesus - it just needs to be shared.
I am so aware as I travel of how others around the world need Jesus. This art reminds me that Jesus who is present in all of us needs to be shared. It is up to every one us us to do so.
Blessings to all of you,
Fr. Pete

Thursday, October 14, 2010



I had a couple of days in Istanbul, Turkey. It was different than I expected. There were so many mosques and signs of the Muslim religion. Once a Christian country, Turkey is now 99% Muslim. There is a message here: we could lose our Christian faith. We have such a gift in belonging to Jesus Christ. We need to pass this on to others to keep life in our religion. This is a challenge for every one of us.

The pictures below are of the Haghia Sophia Mosque, once a Christian Church, built 1500 years ago and still standing and a picture of me at the spice bazaar in Instanbul.

I hope all is well at home, Fr. Pete

Monday, October 4, 2010


God's blessings to all of you back home as you enter the season of Autumn. I miss the colors of this season, but I am not complaining. I also miss the parish dinners and other events.
I am still seeing much of Italy and attending class at the North American College.
Last weekend, I toured Pompeii, the Roman city of 20,000 people that was buried under 25 feet of ash from the Mt. Vesuvius volcanic eruption in 79 AD. One forth of the city still has not been excavated. I have attached some pictures of the ruins of the city, some paintings on streets. So far, 3000 bodies have been found in the ruins of Pompeii, a number that had to effect all of the Roman empire. I cannot imagine the devastation for the area where nine cites were destroyed. It reminds me of the fragility of life.
This week in class we are studying the lessons of Paul in the Bible. It gives me more understanding of his person and message.
Peace to all at home. Enjoy the season.
Fr. Pete

Friday, October 1, 2010

Catacombs of Priscilla

I went to the Roman Catacombs today. In this catacomb named after Priscilla, there we Christians paintings from the second and third centuries. One painting in the oldest image we have of Mary. She is holding the infant Jesus. This image below is from the 2nd century. Many people were buried in the catacombs. During times of persecution, they sometimes prayed and offered mass in chapels in the catacombs.
Some of the early martyrs were buried here. It makes me consider what my faith means to me. Would I die for Jesus?
Have a great day,
Fr. Pete