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Wednesday, August 11, 2010


I spent three days in England touring castles and Cathedrals. The largest cathedrals were in Liverpool, Rippen and York. The video is of the York Chester Cathedral. This is the largest Gothic Cathedral in Northern Europe. The building which began in 1220 AD took many decades.
Blessings to you back home. Tomorrow I take a train to Edinburgh, Scotland. I will be on retreat for a few days at a Trappist Monastery.
Fr Pete 8-12-10


  1. I have visited your blog several times now, Father, and very much enjoy your remarks and photos - and now your movie and voice :) ! Thank you for posting these things... What a wonderful record of events this will become for you, too.

  2. Hi Uncle Joe this is Bobby! Looks like you are having a great time. Be careful in those old cathedrals I seen a movie once about a hunch back living in one. I don't know what else is living in there but since they are so old one can only imagine. Take care and have a great time.
