I hear that Minnesota has been wet and that the Twin Cities received a foot of snow. I thought that this is a good time for me to be in Rome, but I will a difficult time adjusting to the cold when I return.
I hope you are well and healthy. I will be returning to the parishes on December 15 - time has gone so fast. I hear that Fr. Ernster is doing very well - I am glad for this.
I was on retreat last week at Assisi. I am feeling refreshed in my prayer and I am finding a deeper place withing for God. I am also at peace with myself. So I will be renewed when I return home.
Below are picture from Assisi. The first is of the city, the second taken at the Franciscan Hermitage, the third is an ancient painting from one of the churches.
May God bless all of you. I think of you every day and I continue to pray for you.
Fr. Pete